Saxophone Player from Munich

Lady Luck


The Munich saxophonist Lady Luck plays for you:

- Jazz and swing classics, Latin and Samba

-Easy Listening, popular pop ballads

-Tanz- And party program, Soul

- Your favorite songs

Zusätzliche Informationen

Lady Luck, the saxophonist from Munich performs as a solo artist, in a duo with guitarist, as a trio with guitarist and trumpeter, or with full band

Lady Luck Special: Ibiza House Set as walking act - House Music with saxophone improvisation b>
Talk Me on consultation and / or a range of - I will help you with the musical planning i>


Alete banquet, 2013

Autohaus Alfa Romeo, Munich, 2016

Ophthalmology Duke Karl Theodor, Munich, Christmas 2013, 2014, 2015

EagleBurgmann company party, Wolfratshausen 2014


Various Birthdays & Weddings in Bavaria and nationally for 12 years

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